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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Most I-80 toll revenue to be diverted from I-80

Though the Turnpike Commission unveiled their plan for capital improvements on I-80 (if they get approval to toll it), it remains the case that most of the revenue generated from I-80 tolls will be used for payments to PennDOT for other roads and bridges and for mass transit.

This of course, makes it highly unlikely that the Turnpike Commission will get federal approval to toll I-80 (without Congressional action) as the program they are applying for requires toll revenue to be reinvested in the road itself. For readers in the Scranton area, I will be discussing this issue on WYOU TV tonight at 7. Also, see why the Turnpike Commission running I-80 would not be such a good idea (and hence I-80 should be competitely bid, if it is to be tolled), given their woeful ineffeciency in our latest PikeTV video.

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