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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Many Wives Is Too Many?

John Stossel has a Townhall Commentary, likely to be controversial among the Townhall readers, about polygamy. He quotes one polygamist activist (not sure if there is more than one):

Someone like a Hugh Hefner will have a successful television show with three live-in girlfriends! And that's all OK, and he's making great money, and that's all fine and great entertainment. But suddenly, if that man was to marry them, then suddenly he's a criminal. That's insane!
I find that logic hard to argue with. I still oppose polygamy, though - mostly because I am more likely to be the guy with no wife -- while Heff has a dozen -- than to be the King Solomon of my generation.


Anonymous said...

That's my argument against it as well--it leads to high-status males accumulating females, leaving many young men with a lack of marriageable females.

And we know that a society with too many frustrated, young, single males is a recipe for disaster. And don't give me the "well, polyandry would be legal as well" argument--it's uncommon worldwide and would be so here as well.

Anonymous said...

Some husbands would probably argue ONE WIFE is too many. ;-)